Welcome to Cyberdrome Extras
A cornucopia of leftovers from the heady days when Cyberdrome was knocking out Crystal Mazes every year and there seemed no end to the bounty.
This is also a place for collective and collected nostalgia – surprisingly, there are still people interested in what we did.
See below for list of people in the photos.
Note: People are referred to in the photos’ descriptions but unfortunately these are not visible with this version of NextGen. This is work in progress.
- Barry: Original system architect and programmer of the Maze central controller and network software
- Chris: took over from Barry; redesigned the maze hardware and interfaces and built a new games development environment
- David: managing director of Cyberdrome
- Fiona: originally “Peter”, project managed all the Mazes from Oakwood on
- Level 9 (Mike, Mike, Pete): original games programmers & designers of external hardware and interfaces (Nick not in this picture)
- Sue: Maze artist and themer for all the Mazes
- Tim: hardware and games programmer, site maintenance
- Yuka: Maze operator at Kuwana (in title picture at the top of this page) – see letter from her below:

Finally, a contribution from Paul Kida, a map of the proposed Coventry Crystal Maze. Thanks!

Hard hat area
Note: this page is still in work and has been designated a hard hat area. Restrictions apply, see INFO section for details.