Welcome to Cornucopia Music Audios
This is where you can access all of my music regardless of whether it’s been released as a video or not. Tracks are listed on album pages and on SoundCloud. New tracks and works in progress can be found in the What’s New page from the main menu (above), Music posts and after the album listing on this page.
Polite request: This music has been carefully crafted from the whole range of human audible frequencies, especially the lower ones, so please don’t listen to it on a mobile phone speaker or other low fidelity equipment.
All my published tracks are now grouped into albums. Click on the thumbnails below (or go to main menu: Music > Audios).

Works in Progress
There is one piece that’s progressing quite well, but not yet ready for comment:
- Serenade. My first attempt at a Ronald Binge style piece with a string quartet. Beautiful if I can get it right.
Sound Cloud library
This is the portal to my Sound Cloud collection, somewhat out of date now. Will update and revamp it sometime soon.