Welcome to Cornucopia Art and Photography
We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art. [Henry James - The Middle Years]
This is the home of the main picture galleries. To go to a gallery click on its featured picture below or use the overhead menus. Once there, click on a picture and you will go into “browse mode” where you can wander through the gallery and zoom individual pictures.
… and, after the galleries (just to show you it’s not all about me), you will find the section “Featured Art, Artists and Activities” where you can see some of the things that have caught my attention.
Gallery 1 : No Comment
An on-the-fly collection of images that some might consider “amusing”.

Gallery 2 : Beauty in Function and Form
Originally a celebration of the beauty found in the function and form of artefacts born out of the western Industrial Revolution, now extended by popular demand to include anything mechanical or electrical whose function (and therefore beauty) can be seen with the naked eye.

Gallery 3 : Notices
A look at how information is presented in public places and how the logic of that medium can be turned on itself.

Gallery 4: India 2019
My short trip to visit the places I missed on my 1998 trip, namely Kolkata, Rajasthan and Darjeeling. Meant to go to Chennai but it never happened.

Gallery 5 : Blackpool
A one-nighter in Blackpool, September 2018.

Gallery 6 : Katrina
New Orleans 2006 – one year after hurricane Katrina.

Gallery 7 : India
Pictures and tales from my three month trip in 1998.

Gallery 8 : Auschwitz
Pictures from my visit to Auschwitz, Easter 2008, in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of its liberation.
Featured Art, Artists and Activities
Katharina Hoeljes
“Animal Pop” is an eclectic mix of humour, stunning realism and contextual license; Katharina gets to the heart of what it is to be an animal.

Pippin Frisbie-Calder
A wide-ranging and exciting body of work exploring a variety of themes: wildlife (and bird motifs in particular) feature prominently in this eye-opening collection.
Angela Fabry
A cornucopia of extraordinary work from an extraordinary artist.

Ant Fox
How refreshing: an artist with a sense of humour.

Susan Grace Hinman
Fabulous fashion and more.

Paxton Glew: Urban Miniatures
An exciting pop up exhibition bringing together the big names of the Urban Art scene on a tiny scale.