Category Archives: Climate Change

Carbon Sequestration using the Destructive Distillation of Wood

Wood contains a huge variety of organic substances and minerals which can be separated using a process known as “destructive distillation”. As heat is applied in the absence of oxygen, wood splits (“cracks”) into its constituents in reverse order of volatility; some of these will decompose further or polymerise into components not in the original wood. The resulting mix is highly dependent on the temperature profile applied and, to some extent, on the type of wood. Fractional distillation enables liquids of different molecular weight to be separated by differential condensation.

Broadly speaking, this mix consists of substances which at room temperature are either:

  • gases (eg. methane, ethane, ammonia, propane)
  • liquids (eg. methanol, octane, coal oil) or
  • solids (eg. tars, charcoal)

The solids are those with the highest carbon content and the gases those with the least, the main other elements being hydrogen and oxygen with comparatively small amounts of nitrogen and minerals.

What is proposed here is to grow a biodiverse forest and harvest the wood in a sustainable way to produce:

  • fuel from the gases and liquids
  • a carbon sink from the solids

This process will be highly carbon negative: the fuels will simply be returning the carbon dioxide used to make them back to the atmosphere and so be carbon neutral, the carbon sequestered will remove the majority of the carbon captured in the growing process.

This could also be appied to existing fossil fuel reserves, the difference being that burning of the resulting carbon-light fuels would not be carbon neutral in this case, however the space created could be used for burying carbon from other sequestration sources.

Comments please.

Greening The Spark now with Audio & Online Game Results

Two major new features, audio and online results, have been developed recently (and are still work in progress). For more details on the project, visit the GTS tab on the menu bar above, or click here. For greater detail on how audio and game results work, go to the GTS Tech Talk page.


Development of an audio capability has allowed the creation of a soundscape and a narrative. Sound effects enhance operation and bring it alive, while three characters inform staff and visitors about what is going on. Examples are:

Robotic GTS system voice
Aussie guide Logan
Indian guide Sajani

Game Results

At game over visitors can see the sparks* they’ve earned and their unique game number on the Visitor Control Panel. Meanwhile GTS has posted their detailed results online These contain a summary and three plots showing timelines of everything that has happened.

*Sparks are awarded for performance in the categories : economy. eco-friendliness and efficiency. Green is best, red is worst and blue is in between.

Visitors will be able to access their “Simulation Report” by using a QR code or following a link – currently unavailable and awaiting migration to a new website.