the horn of plenty /ˌkɔːrnjəˈkoʊpiə, ˌkɔːrnə-, ˌkɔːrnu-, ˌkɔːrnju-/ (from Latin cornu copiae) [Wiktionary]
Welcome to my world
A cornucopia of ideas, connections and contradictions, stuff and nonsense, music, electrickery, pictures, films, humour and a miscellany of content that defies description.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here
There are no guarantees of accuracy or truth, political or religious correctness or even common decency. The only tools you will need are the powers of reason and a forgiving sense of humour. Thus forearmed, I wish you a pleasant and rewarding journey.
How to use this site
This is a constantly evolving site and is best thought of as a museum or art gallery with ‘permanent’ exhibitions which change very slowly over time (if at all), temporary exhibitions with a life of weeks and a fast moving bulletin board with new items and changes occurring on a daily basis.
Tip: If you just want to see what’s changed recently, go to the What’s New page.
The permanent and temporary exhibitions are accessed via the overhead menus and the faster moving items mainly via the posts, and comments, best found by category, eg. “Music” in the sidebar on the left hand side of each page, and events.
Site Map

Site maintenance
Site maintenance is an ongoing activity. Whereas most changes require no caveat, occasionally it is necessary to point out that things are not yet as intended, unfinished, experimental or may indeed cause harm to visitors, emotional or otherwise. In such cases you will see a roadworks sign or a hard hard hat symbol. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Site Rules, Terms and Conditions, etc.
Site Rules, Terms and Conditions, and other legal stuff can be found in the INFO section of this website – after all the interesting stuff about me…